Offers and Suggestion; School Immersion

Hi! Welcome back to my blog. I can’t believe it, it's been a year since I use this blog as a medium for learning English. Initially, it was quite difficult for me. But now I enjoy the process of making this blog while drinking coffee or tea, xixi.

Last Monday I started school again even though it was rather boring because the school was online, and whether it can be called coincidence or not, I’m not so sure, my English language lessons begun on Monday and is taught by Mrs. Wiwin again. You’d probably think, isn’t that boring? No, actually I'm happy kyaaa! I hope my English grades this semester are not as bad as last semester (right, ma'am?), and I begin a new chapter in this field, offers and suggestions bro! I hope you're happy with the material that I will bring.

A suggestion is like a recommendation or advice. " I suggest you set your alarm before you forget." An offer is like a deal that’s being made or a favor that’s being done. " I offered to cook dinner tonight."

On this occasion, I will give examples of offers and suggestions in the event that you are confused about school or student immersion. actually the example that I will bring it comes from a story that I experienced myself when eighth grade junior high school. But before that there are some differences for formal informal conversations.

Example      :

·       Formal Dialogue

X : "Can I get you ice tea to drink?"
Y : "Yes, that would be nice, Thank you."

·       Informal Dialogue

E : "Are you up for some dinner?"
F : "Hey, thanks. What’s on the menu?"
E : "What about something to drink?"
F : "Sure. What about some coffee?"
E : "I’d like it very much."

Offers and Suggestions | BAHASA INGGRIS SMP/MTs

and here's an example of offers and suggestions that I made:

(in the case of real life, this is in the school haha)

A : "Hi B, do you think I should go to South Korea?"
B : "For you to go there?"
A : "Don't you listen to the teacher's announcement?"
B : "No haha, what is it for?"
A : "There was an announcement of student immersion to South Korea but I was confused whether to join or not. The price is also quite expensive but there are long-term benefits in the future."
B : "If there are long-term benefits, why are you confused? Are there conflicts from parents?"
A : "They even forced me to go there."
B : "Then?"
A : "Father gives a choice, if I go there, I am permitted, but the costs there must use my money, but if I stay in this city I will be given money worth five million rupiah."
B : "If in my opinion, you want long-term benefits then you have to follow it whatever happens to use your money. but if I were you, I would choose the second option."
A : "Why did you choose the second option?"
B : "Because I'm in need of money hahaha. no, I'm kidding. actually I have a list of Olympic books to buy and I heard that when the ninth grade junior high school we will make a visit to the Pacific Islands. And aren't you looking for university info? I think many are holding seminars now."
A : "Ah yes you are right, there is a good seminar next week, thank you for the advice."
B : "You're welcome, spirit A! whatever your choice I will support, but if you want to learn Korean, you can ask me to help."
A : "Hahaha, ok, I'll decide first."

and you can guess what the end? ha ha ha. I didn't go to South Korea.

Maybe this is all theory that I can share because honestly I'm confused what else to write. Thank you for reading and don't forget feedback hehe. keep smiling despite studying online, all of you!
