Edu Passion 2020 : Daryaskara

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog! By the way, do you miss the posts from my blog? I honestly don't know what to write because I don't have an idea. but recently my school held an event that really helped to live after high school. yeah, at university!

Actually this event aims to introduce the university and prospects of each department to each prospective new student. we all know that almost half of students have felt 'wrong direction'. In this event many students also just stopped by to give advice to prospective younger siblings. they told about their majors, the difficulties they experienced, various types of lecturers, to the midnight lecture schedule.

Oh yeah almost forgot, you realize if I haven't told you the name of the event? wkwkwk ...

Okay, so the name of the event is EDU PASSION 2020: DARYASKARA presented by my school, SMAN 3 Bandung.
This activity is a form of educational exhibition from various universities and educational consultants and is held every year! During the event, I also had an interview with cool brothers from UI, UGM. If you want to know more about the benefits of this program, you can click the link below!

Interviewing with UGM and UI student!

In addition to interviews with cool brothers from both campuses, I also talked with cool brothers from ITB who turned out he was a candidate for my senior level! yeah, I am a prospective new student at the ITB electrical and information engineering school or the ITB faculty of mechanical engineering and aerospace in the year of 2022.
Guys, please pray for me to be there!
And do you know what happened when I returned from the event? I am very addicted to finding news about three famous campuses in Indonesia or ITB, UI, and UGM. Until I forget that tomorrow there will be a biology examination practice.

By the way, I also talked with my beautiful sisters from Christian University Maranatha. Do you know, the prospect of maranatha medicine is very good, but unfortunately I don't want to be a doctor. But for those of you who want to be designers please join maranatha because their goals are fasionshow in paris, isn't that cool?

I also talked with the brothers from ITS, they swear to be cool, the first place in Indonesia to implement 5G technology.
Then there are also schools from neighboring countries, University of Technology Malaysia. their prospects are also good and the language they use is not Malay but English. Oh yeah, brother who keeps the stand is handsome, Hahahaha ...

actually MANY THAT I WANT TO TELL, but I'm too tired to type. sometime I will edit you guys have to see ya!
Bye bye!
